Saturday, February 28, 2009


I love Flickr© It gives me the chance to put my pictures out where people can see them. I entered a photo "contest" once. They told me I was a winner and then told me that for $75 I could get a copy of the book it was published in. I paid the $75 (+s&h). The picture wasn't that great, and the title was worse. But, it was published... and me and the other 2000 suckers made somebody a few bucks. Flickr only costs me a few dollars a year, and probably more people will see the pictures... and maybe get to comment on them. I would be really kind of upset if someone wrote in my $75 coffee table book. Oh, by the way... here is the "winning " picture:
It's called "Say "Cheese!"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vasaya Warty Pig

So... in October we went to the zoo in Portland. I took a picture of a warty pig. Not a particularly outstanding picture, but still... an interesting animal. It has now become my most viewed picture on my flickr photostream.

Note: at one year... 459 Views... and 1 comment. (and I think I had to pay for it! :) ) The Page.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I just found an app that will let me blog from my iPhone. I can't post pictures, but this is better than nothing.

Cold Winter Day

The sun was out yesterday. We took advantage of that fact to go out and take some pictures. We ended up at the park in Longview... kinda the default "take outdoor people picture" location nearby. The lake was really ugly after this winters' heavy rains and flooding. But the birds and people were out in force.

We also found that once again, the coffee stand across the street from a Starbucks had the superior mocha. This time it was Pacific Rim Espresso. If you are interested, it's on Oregon Way just before the L/C bridge into Rainier, Or. (Across the street from the Starbucks).
Howard really needs to look into this. We have generally found that although Starbucks Coffee is kickass, the espresso served at the stores is fairly weak.