Monday, October 25, 2010

Hey.. La Nina... Go Home!

Fall is here. With a vengeance... Ok, that word looks funny...  anyway, Yes, fall has arrived in the Pacific NW. The blustery weather is awesome, and I love watching it. It seems like just last week we were trying to figure out what we were going to do this summer, heh...  I guess it's time to plan for NEXT summer now.  I think I have most of my Christmas Cards made, Birthdays are done until January, It's time to settle down and get into the Holiday mood. (Rather hard to do with a background serenade of hairball vomiting. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pampas Recovery

I am happy to announce that my pampas grass that I cut back to nothing last May has recovered and rewarded me with a lovely "pamp". 

I should mention that my dog is insane. She cannot accept the fact that she is a dog, and yet she loves to bark at "kitties".