Monday, October 25, 2010

Hey.. La Nina... Go Home!

Fall is here. With a vengeance... Ok, that word looks funny...  anyway, Yes, fall has arrived in the Pacific NW. The blustery weather is awesome, and I love watching it. It seems like just last week we were trying to figure out what we were going to do this summer, heh...  I guess it's time to plan for NEXT summer now.  I think I have most of my Christmas Cards made, Birthdays are done until January, It's time to settle down and get into the Holiday mood. (Rather hard to do with a background serenade of hairball vomiting. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pampas Recovery

I am happy to announce that my pampas grass that I cut back to nothing last May has recovered and rewarded me with a lovely "pamp". 

I should mention that my dog is insane. She cannot accept the fact that she is a dog, and yet she loves to bark at "kitties".

Saturday, June 19, 2010


That's what the weather people are calling it. June 19th and it's still raining. Everything is slow. My pumpkins are only 8" high, my strawberries are green.  The only things growing like mad are the weeds and the grass.  Oh..  and the trees.   All of our 1000+ trees have put on incredible growth this spring. Some have added over 12" to the length of their branches.  I found a pine last night that had two feet of new growth on it's trunk.

It looks like it was a rough winter for lots of local pampas grass. Mine seem to be recovering but they look quite ugly.  I cut down most of the buddeleija that grows outside of my window, it was dead. There is some new growth from the stump so all is not lost.  One nice surprise is the arrival of some Western Scrub Jays (aka Camp Robbers) and a rabbit that likes to use the bird bath as a drinking fountain.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's Saturday

This morning, I put my shirt on inside out.  Fortunately I noticed before we left the house. Then, on my way out the door... the bolt on the doorknob jammed and I couldn't get the door closed. It took a rubber mallet took get it loose.  The sun was out for a few minutes. There was a chance that we would shoot some pictures while we are out, but  only if the weather holds. It's not supposed to. I'm watching a baby squirrel running around a tree, and a crow just strolled by on the sidewalk. Two squirrellettes now. Maybe I will go grab my camera out of the truck and see what I can do...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


15 months ago, I posted about my Pampas grass.  How they needed a makeover... well.. yesterday I finally did it. My arms are shredded, but the plants are tamed... one perhaps tamed to death, sadly.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Figured I should post something. 
Sitting here looking at the nearly completed arbor and waiting for the strawberries to ripen. It got pretty warm today, maybe even warmer tomorrow.

Dog got a bath and a nail trim...  the trim is always fun, as she has an abject dislike for the process.